Episode #104 - Blackened Earth
2. Song: Heart and Soul , Artist: BJ Nilsen , Album: Recovery (Fractured Recordings)
- Cover of Joy Division.
3. Song: In Deo Salutari Meo , Artist: Xela , Album: In Bocca Al Lupo (Type)
4. Song: And by Our Own Hand Did Every Last Bird Lie Silent in Their Puddles, the Air Barren of Song as the Clouds Drifted Away. For Killing Their Greatest Enemy, the Locusts Noisily Thanked Us and Turned Their Jaws Toward Our Crops, Swallowing Our Greed Whole. , Artist: Red Sparowes , Album: Every Red Heart Shines Toward the Red Sun (Neurot)
5. Song: S.W.O.L. , Artist: Leviathan , Album: The Speed of Darkness (Viva Hate)
6. Song: 18 , Artist: Moby , Album: 18 (V2)
7. Song: Snow , Artist: Kevin Drumm , Album: Imperial Distortion (Hospital Productions)
8. Song: Pure As Snow (Trails of the Winter Storm) , Artist: Mono , Album: Hymn to the Immortal Wind (Temporary Residence)
LINK: Sounds of the Apocalypse Episode #104 2009-4-11
Labels: aqui, bj nilsen, kevin drumm, leviathan, moby, mono, red sparowes, xela