Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
Episode #82 - Three Mile Island
1. Song: 999,999 , Artist: Nine Inch Nails , Album: The Slip (Self-Released)
2. Song: Preyer , Artist: Burmese , Album: Men (Load)
3. Song: 3.28.79 , Artist: Soporus , Album: Atómové Elektrárne (Burnt Toast Vinyl)
- Saxon Shore side project. Three of the four songs on this EP have to do with nuclear disaster, which makes this quite an appropriate choice. This one references Three Mile Island, five miles from where Soporus member Matthew Stone lived as an infant.
4. Song: Skin Turns to Glass , Artist: Nadja , Album: Skin Turns to Glass (The End)
5. Song: I Run Low , Artist: Air Conditioning , Album: Dead Rails (Load)
6. Song: Untitled , Artist: Daniel Menche , Album: Field of Skin (Soleilmoon)
7. Song: Purgatory Spiral , Artist: Xasthur , Album: Defective Epitaph (Hydra Head)
8. Song: Secret , Artist: Prurient , Album: The History of Aids (Hospital Productions/Armageddon Label)
Labels: air conditioning, burmese, daniel menche, nadja, nine inch nails, prurient, soporus, xasthur
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Episode #81 - Dirge for the Dead
2. Song: Straumnes , Artist: Sigur Rós , Album: Med Sud I Eyrum Vid Spilum Endalaust (XL)
3. Song: The Finger On Your Temple Is the Barrel of My Raygun , Artist: Stars of the Lid , Album: And Their Refinement of the Decline (Kranky)
4. Song: Hideous Gnosis , Artist: Caïna , Album: Mourner (Profound Lore)
5. Song: Sights Not Long Gone , Artist: Sword Heaven , Album: Entrance (Load)
6. Song: Being Born Broken , Artist: Drawing Voices , Album: Drawing Voices (Hydrahead)
7. Song: Cocaine Death , Artist: Prurient , Album: Cocaine Death (Hospital Productions)
8. Song: Brok Engong (Two-Headed Serpent) , Artist: Riververb , Album: Shermstack Oven (Angel's Blood)
9. Song: Moth Wings , Artist: Tape , Album: Luminarium (Hapna)
10. Song: Burning In the Undertow of God , Artist: The Angelic Process , Album: Weighing Souls With Sand (Profound Lore)
11. Song: Perfect Sound , Artist: Televise , Album: Strings and Wires (Drifting Falling)
LINK: Sounds of the Apocalypse Episode #81 2008-8-9
Labels: antigama, caina, drawing voices, prurient, riververb, sigur ros, stars of the lid, sword heaven, tape, televise, the angelic process